Sankhya is Traditionally Attributed to the Sage Kapila

Sankhya (सांख्य) is a dualistic orthodox school of Hindu philosophy. It views reality as composed of two independent principles, Puruṣa (‘consciousness’ or spirit) and Prakṛiti (nature or matter, including the…

Samsara is the Cycle of Death and Rebirth

Samsara (संसार) is a Pali and Sanskrit word that means “wandering” as well as “world,” wherein the term connotes “cyclic change” or, less formally, “running around…

Honesty is Absence of Lying, Cheating, and Theft

Honesty (ईमानदारी) or truthfulness is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness (including straightforwardness of conduct: earnestness), and the…