Atman Is The Unchanging, Eternal, Innermost Radiant Self

Atman (आत्मन्) is a Sanskrit word that refers to the (universal) Self or self-existent essence of individuals, as distinct from ego (Ahamkara), mind (Chitta)…

Garbha Upanishad Deals Embryo and Body

tttIItThe Garbha Upanishad (गर्भ उपनिषद), or Garbhopanishad (Garbhopaniṣad), is one of the minor Upanishads, listed number 17 in the modern anthology of 108…

Upanishads are About Atman and Brahman

The Upanishads (उपनिषद्) are late Vedic Sanskrit texts that supplied the basis of later Hindu philosophy. They are the most recent part of the Vedas, the…