Yajnavalkya Smriti is Traditionally Attributed to the Sage Yajnavalkya

The Yajnavalkya Smriti (याज्ञवल्क्य स्मृति) is one of the many Dharma-related texts of Hinduism composed in Sanskrit. It is dated between the 3rd to 5th-century CE and belongs to the Dharmashastra tradition. The text was composed after the Manusmriti, but like it and Naradasmriti, the text was composed in shloka (poetic meter) style. The legal theories within the Yajnavalkya Smriti are presented in three books, namely Achara-Kanda (customs), Vyavahara-Kanda (judicial process), and Prayaschitta-Kanda (crime and punishment, penance). The text is the “best composed” and systematic specimen of this genre, with large sections on judicial process theories, one of which had a greater influence on medieval India’s judiciary practice than Manusmriti. 

Yajnavalkya Smriti Meaning

The Yajnavalkya Smriti is one of the ancient Hindu legal texts or smritis, named after the sage Yajnavalkya who is traditionally attributed as its author. “Smriti” refers to a category of Hindu scriptures that are considered human compositions and are distinct from the “Shruti” texts, which are considered divine revelations.

Sage Yajnavalkya of Mithila – Shriguru Maharishi
Author of Yajnavalkya Smriti; Sage Yajnavalkya

Yajnavalkya Smriti Date

The text most likely dates to the Gupta period, roughly between the 3rd and 5th centuries of the common era. There is some debate as to whether it is to be placed in the earlier or later part of that period. Patrick Olivelle suggests the likely date may be in the 4th to 5th century CE.

Arguments for particular dating are based on the concise, sophisticated vocabulary found throughout the text and on the use of certain terms such as nāṇaka (a coin), and references to Greek astrology (which has been known in India since the 2nd century; see Yavanajataka). The argument arises when considerations are made as to who was exchanging the nāṇaka and when the level of Greek thought that the author understood is brought into question.

Yajnavalkya Smriti Author

The Yajnavalkya Smriti is traditionally attributed to the sage Yajnavalkya, who is considered the author of this text in Hindu tradition. Yajnavalkya was a revered ancient sage and philosopher in Hinduism, and he is also known for his contributions to Vedic literature. However, it’s important to note that the authorship of ancient texts can sometimes be ascribed to legendary figures, and the actual historical attribution may be more complex. The Yajnavalkya Smriti is part of the genre of Hindu scriptures known as smritis, and it provides guidelines for ethical, social, and legal conduct by dharma (righteousness).

Yajnavalkya Smriti Significance

Yajnavalkya Smriti is one of the ancient Hindu legal texts that belong to the genre of Smriti literature. Smriti refers to the body of Hindu texts that are not considered divine revelations like the Vedas but are rather human compositions that provide guidelines for righteous living, social conduct, and legal matters. Yajnavalkya Smriti is attributed to the sage Yajnavalkya, who is a revered figure in Hindu tradition.

The significance of Yajnavalkya Smriti lies in its contribution to the development of Hindu law and jurisprudence. It is one of the important Dharmashastra texts that deal with matters of dharma (righteousness) and legal principles. Yajnavalkya Smriti covers a wide range of topics, including family law, inheritance, marriage, ethics, and social duties.

The text is recognized for its concise and practical approach to legal matters. It has been influential in shaping the legal and ethical framework within Hindu society. 

It’s important to note that there are various Smriti texts, and different communities and regions may follow different Smriti texts as their guide for social and legal conduct. 

Yajnavalkya Smriti Structure

This Smriti, like many other ancient Indian texts, is structured systematically. It consists of chapters (Adhyayas) and verses (Shlokas) organized to cover various aspects of dharma (righteousness) and legal principles. The text is written in a question-and-answer format, with the sage Yajnavalkya providing answers to the queries posed by other sages or disciples.

The general structure of Yajnavalkya Smriti can be outlined as follows:

  1. Adhyayas (Chapters): The text is divided into multiple chapters, each dealing with a specific theme or aspect of dharma and law. The number of chapters may vary in different manuscripts or traditions.
  2. Shlokas (Verses): Each chapter is further divided into verses or shlokas. These verses contain the teachings, guidelines, and explanations provided by Yajnavalkya on the respective subjects.
  3. Content: The content of Yajnavalkya Smriti covers a wide range of topics, including family law, marriage, inheritance, duties of individuals, ethical conduct, and social responsibilities. The discussions often involve dialogues between Yajnavalkya and other sages, creating a conversational and instructional style.
  4. Prakaranas (Sections): Within chapters, there may be sub-sections or prakaranas that focus on specific topics within the broader theme of the chapter. This helps in organizing the content for easier comprehension.
  5. Legal Precepts: Yajnavalkya Smriti provides legal precepts and guidelines for individuals to lead a righteous life. It addresses issues related to social order, ethical conduct, and legal procedures.
  6. Historical and Cultural Context: The text is often embedded in the historical and cultural context of ancient India, reflecting the societal norms and practices prevalent during that time.

It’s essential to note that the structure may slightly vary in different manuscripts or versions of Yajnavalkya Smriti, and scholars may interpret the text differently. Nevertheless, the overall organization revolves around presenting principles of dharma and legal guidelines in a systematic and instructive manner.

Yajnavalkya Smriti Content

Yajnavalkya Smriti covers a wide range of topics related to dharma (righteousness), ethical conduct, and legal principles. The contents of Yajnavalkya Smriti can be broadly categorized into various subjects. Keep in mind that the text is organized into chapters, and each chapter deals with specific aspects. Here are some of the main contents of Yajnavalkya Smriti:

Duties of Individuals (Svadharma)

Yajnavalkya Smriti discusses the duties and responsibilities of individuals according to their varna (class) and ashrama (stage of life). It provides guidelines on how people from different social backgrounds should conduct themselves.

Marriage (Vivaha)

The text addresses the sacrament of marriage, outlining the rules and rituals associated with it. It covers aspects like the selection of spouses, the significance of marriage, and the duties of husband and wife.

Family Law (Kutumbadharma)

Yajnavalkya Smriti guides family life, including rules related to inheritance, property rights, and the duties of family members. It addresses issues such as the partition of property among heirs.

Inheritance (Vibhaga)

The text discusses the rules of inheritance and the distribution of property among family members. It provides guidelines on how the property should be divided among sons and daughters.

Ethical Conduct (Sadachara)

Yajnavalkya Smriti emphasizes the importance of ethical conduct in personal and social life. It provides principles for leading a righteous and virtuous life.

Social Responsibilities

The text outlines the duties of individuals towards society, including charitable acts, support for the needy, and contributions to the welfare of the community.

Penances and Expiation (Prayaschitta)

Yajnavalkya Smriti details various penances and expiatory rites to be performed in case of transgressions or violations of dharma. It provides a framework for seeking atonement.

Legal Procedures (Vyavahara)

Yajnavalkya Smriti contains guidelines on legal procedures and dispute resolution. It discusses the role of judges, witnesses, and the process of delivering justice.

Sankalpa (Vows and Resolutions)

The text touches upon the importance of making vows and resolutions for personal and spiritual growth.

It’s important to note that the specific details and emphasis on certain topics may vary between different versions and commentaries of Yajnavalkya Smriti. Additionally, the text is embedded in the cultural and historical context of ancient India, reflecting the societal norms and practices prevalent during that time.

Sources of Family Law- Hindu, Islamic and Christian Law
Yajnavalkya Smriti Contains Guidelines on Legal Procedures


The legal theories in this text were likely very influential in medieval India because its passages and quotes are inscribed in every part of India, and these inscriptions are dated to be from around the 10th to 11th century CE. The text is also widely commented upon, and referenced in popular works such as the 5th-century Panchatantra. The text is profusely quoted in chapters 253-258 of the extant manuscripts of the Agni Purana and in chapters 93-106 of the Garuda Purana.

Yajnavalkya Smriti passages and quotes

It is a comprehensive legal and ethical text, and while it doesn’t have specific famous quotes commonly cited, it does contain teachings and principles that convey its essence. Here are some key ideas from Yajnavalkya Smriti explained briefly:


  • “Dharma sustains and upholds society, providing the foundation for righteous living and ethical conduct.”
  • Explanation: This text emphasizes the importance of dharma, which refers to the moral and ethical duties that individuals must adhere to for the well-being of society. Dharma is considered the guiding principle for righteous living.

Marriage and Family

  • “In the institution of marriage, spouses should support each other, fulfilling their respective duties with love and commitment.”
  • Explanation: It discusses the sacrament of marriage, stressing the mutual support and commitment between spouses. The text outlines the responsibilities of husbands and wives within the marital relationship.

Duty (Svadharma)

  • “Each individual should adhere to their prescribed duties according to their varna and ashrama, contributing to the harmony of society.”
  • Explanation: The concept of Svadharma in this Smriti underscores the importance of individuals fulfilling their duties based on their social class (varna) and stage of life (ashrama). This contributes to the overall harmony and balance in society.


  • “Fair and equitable distribution of family property ensures harmony and justice among heirs.”
  • Explanation: This Smriti discusses rules related to inheritance, emphasizing the need for a just and equitable distribution of family property among heirs. This promotes familial harmony and social justice.

Social Responsibility

  • “Contributing to the welfare of society through acts of charity and selfless service is a sacred duty.”
  • Explanation: This Smriti underscores the social responsibility of individuals, emphasizing acts of charity and selfless service for the collective well-being of the community.

Atonement (Prayaschitta)

  • “Atonement purifies the soul and provides an opportunity for individuals to rectify their mistakes and return to the path of righteousness.”
  • Explanation: The text discusses various penances and expiatory rites as a means of seeking atonement for transgressions. Atonement is seen as a process of purification and a way for individuals to correct their actions.

While these explanations provide a general overview of the themes found in this Smriti, it’s important to note that specific quotes may vary between translations and interpretations of the text.

Yajnavalkya Smriti Teachings

It contains numerous teachings that encompass various aspects of dharma, ethics, and societal conduct. Here are some of the great teachings found in Yajnavalkya Smriti:

Dharma and Righteous Conduct

This Smriti emphasizes the importance of dharma as the guiding principle for righteous living. It outlines the duties and responsibilities of individuals based on their varna (class) and ashrama (stage of life).

Svadharma (One’s Own Duty)

The text stresses the concept of Svadharma, emphasizing that individuals should adhere to their prescribed duties according to their social class and stage of life. This contributes to the overall harmony of society.

Family Values and Responsibilities

It provides guidelines on family life, marriage, and inheritance. It underscores the importance of mutual respect, support, and the fair distribution of family property among heirs.

Ethical Conduct (Sadachara)

The text encourages individuals to lead a life of ethical conduct. It provides principles for virtuous behavior, emphasizing honesty, integrity, and compassion.

Social Welfare and Charity

The text highlights the social responsibilities of individuals, emphasizing acts of charity and selfless service for the welfare of the community. It encourages a sense of social duty and interconnectedness.

Legal Principles and Dispute Resolution

The text provides insights into legal procedures, including the role of judges, witnesses, and the process of delivering justice. It encourages fair and impartial resolution of disputes.

Atonement and Redemption (Prayaschitta)

This Smriti details various penances and expiatory rites to be performed in case of transgressions. It emphasizes the concept of atonement as a means of purifying the soul and rectifying mistakes.

Spiritual Growth and Sankalpa (Vows)

The text touches upon the significance of making vows and resolutions for personal and spiritual growth. It guides the proper observance of vows and their impact on an individual’s well-being.

Balancing Material and Spiritual Life

This Smriti recognizes the importance of balancing the material and spiritual aspects of life. It acknowledges the pursuit of both material prosperity and spiritual growth as integral to a well-rounded life.

Importance of Education and Knowledge

The text acknowledges the significance of education and knowledge in shaping an individual’s character and understanding of dharma. It encourages the pursuit of wisdom.

These teachings collectively offer a comprehensive guide for individuals on how to lead a virtuous and balanced life, contributing to the welfare of both themselves and society as a whole.

Yajnavalkya Story along with a brief on Yajnavalkya Smriti - PakkaPatriot
Social Activities as per Yajnavalkya Smriti


In summary, Yajnavalkya Smriti, attributed to the sage Yajnavalkya, serves as a significant Hindu legal and ethical text. This ancient Dharmashastra provides a comprehensive guide to righteous living, family values, legal principles, and societal conduct. Emphasizing the concept of dharma and Svadharma, the text offers insights into various aspects of human life, from marriage and family to ethical conduct and social responsibilities. Despite not having specific famous quotes, the teachings of Yajnavalkya Smriti continue to influence Hindu thought, contributing to the understanding of justice, morality, and the pursuit of a balanced life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Yajnavalkya Smriti?

It is an ancient Hindu legal and ethical text attributed to the sage Yajnavalkya. It belongs to the genre of Smriti literature, offering guidance on righteous living, family values, legal principles, and societal conduct.

What are the main topics covered in Yajnavalkya Smriti?

This Smriti covers a wide range of topics, including dharma (righteousness), marriage, family law, inheritance, ethical conduct, social responsibilities, legal procedures, atonement, and the pursuit of spiritual growth.

How is Yajnavalkya Smriti structured?

It is structured into chapters (Adhyayas) and verses (Shlokas). Each chapter deals with specific themes or aspects, and the verses guide various aspects of life, ethics, and law.

What is the significance of Svadharma in Yajnavalkya Smriti?

Svadharma is a key concept in this Smriti, emphasizing that individuals should adhere to their prescribed duties based on their varna (class) and ashrama (stage of life). This contributes to the overall harmony of society.

Does Yajnavalkya Smriti discuss legal principles?

Yes, the Smriti provides insights into legal procedures, including the role of judges, witnesses, and the process of delivering justice. It addresses matters related to dispute resolution and equitable distribution of property.

Are there teachings on family values in Yajnavalkya Smriti?

Yes, it discusses marriage, family law, and inheritance. It emphasizes mutual support, respect, and the fair distribution of family property among heirs.

What is the role of atonement in Yajnavalkya Smriti?

The Smriti details various penances and expiatory rites (Prayaschitta) to be performed in case of transgressions. Atonement is seen as a means of purifying the soul and rectifying mistakes.

How does Yajnavalkya Smriti contribute to spiritual growth?

The text touches upon the significance of making vows and resolutions (Sankalpa) for personal and spiritual growth. It recognizes the importance of balancing material and spiritual aspects of life.

Does Yajnavalkya Smriti provide guidelines for social responsibilities?

Yes, it highlights the social responsibilities of individuals, encouraging acts of charity and selfless service for the welfare of the community. It underscores a sense of social duty and interconnectedness.

Is Yajnavalkya Smriti still relevant today?

While written in an ancient context, it addresses timeless principles of ethics, morality, and societal conduct. Its teachings continue to be studied and respected, providing insights into leading a virtuous and balanced life.


Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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