Navnath Incarnation And Aim

The Navnath (नवनाथ), also spelled as Navnatha in vernacular languages, are the nine saints, Masters or Naths on whom the Navnath Sampradaya, the lineage of the nine gurus, is based. They are worshipped collectively as well as individually. The nine Naths are the incarnations of nine Narayana who help Lord Narayan take care of worldly activities. Lord Krishna had summoned the nine Narayanas to his court for deciding the establishment of Nath Sampraday. The incarnation includes Macchindranath (Kavi Narayana), Gorakshanath (Hari Narayana), Gahininath (Karbhanjan Narayana), Jalandharnath (Antriksh Narayana), Kanifnath (Prabuddha Narayana), Bhartarinath (Dhrimi Narayan), Revannath (Chamas Narayana), Nagnath (Avihotra Narayana), and Charpatinath (Pippalayan Narayana). Siddhaspirituality of Swami Hardas Life System also believes in the same concept.

Incarnation of Navnath

It is said that these nine Naths were the incarnations of Nine Narayan. (Narayan is another name of Vishnu). Vishnu had asked them to be born on earth as human beings for the purpose of establishing a sect for human welfare and to inculcate Yoga Vidya for spiritual development as well as achieving health, peace, and progress in the masses. These nine Yogis were from the ninth century to the eleventh century. What is special is that these nine Yogis practiced strict celibacy. Vishnu had also told these nine Nathas how to be born. They were born according to that. 

The only book that has been told about these nine Naths is Navnath Bhaktisar / Kathasar. This book contains a lot of information about Navnath. They also have many miracles. The book is 250 to 300 pages long, written on a very large canvas of war, intrigue, Yoga, alienation, many magical practices, and these Yogis who have existed for hundreds of years. 

Expanding horizons: Dattatreya and Navnaths- Completion of a sadhana
Navnath With Guru – Lord Dattatray

Origin of Guru Parampara 

Some members of the Nath Sampraday believe Lord Dattatraya, an incarnation of the Hindu trinity Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva was its first teacher. Other traditions hold that Macchindranath received initiation directly from Shiva, also known as Adi Nath. In many modern Nath groups, worship of Gorakshanath and Shiva is primary. The nine teachers, collectively known as Navnaths, are considered representative of great teachers in this tradition or parampara.

Navnath according to various scholars


According to Maurice Frydman, the translator of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s I Am That, “the most widely accepted list” is as follows:

  1. Macchindranath or Matsyendranath
  2. Gorakshanath or Gorakhnath
  3. Jalandharnath or Jalandernath
  4. Kanifnath or Kanhoba
  5. Gahininath or Gehininath
  6. Bhartrinath or Bhartarinath or Raja Bhartari or Bhartṛhari
  7. Revananath or Revan Siddh or Kada Siddha or Ravalanath
  8. Charpatinath or Charpatakshnath
  9. Naganath or Nageshnath


Suamitra Mullarpattan, the translator of Nisargadatta Maharaj, gives the following list:

  1. Macchindra-Nath (9th Century), “who was said to be, initiated by one of the three primary Hindu gods (Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma), namely by Shiva, in the science and teaching of Yoga.”
  2. Goraksha-Nath
  3. Jalandhar-Nath
  4. Kanifanath
  5. Charapati-Nath
  6. Naganath
  7. Bhartari-Nath
  8. Revan-Nath
  9. Gahininath

List 3

Macchindranath (the chief Natha), Gorakshanatha, Charpatinatha, Mangalnatha, Ghugonatha, Gopinatha, Prannatha, Suratnatha, and Cambanatha. They are not related to the divisions of the orders.

List 4

In another list, each Natha is identified with a Hindu God:

1. Aumkar Adinatha (Lord of Lords), Siva;

2. Shelnatha (Lord of the Arrow Shaft), Krisna or Rama Chandra;

3. Santoknatha (Lord of Gratification)

4. Acalacambhunatha (Lord of Wondrous Immortality), Hanuman or Laksman;

5. Gajbali Gajkanthnatha (Lord of the Elephant’s Strength and Neck)) Ganesa Gajikarna (Elephant-Eared);

6. Prajnatha, or Udaynatha (Lord of the People), Parvati;

7. Mayarupi Macchendranatha (The Wondrous Form), Guru of Gorakhnatha;

8. Gathepinde Ricayakari, or Naranthar, Sambhujaiti Guru Gorakhnatha;

9. Gyansarupe, or Purakh Siddh Cauranjwenatha, or Puran Bhagat.

List 5

Orhkarinath, Visnu; Samtokanath, Visnu; Gajboli, Gajana, Hanuman; Acalesvar, Ganpati; Udayanatha, Surya; Parvati Prem, Mahadeo; Santhanatha, Brahma; Gyaniji Siddhacewarafigi, Jaggannath; Mayarupi, Matsya. The Nathas are also the guardian spirits of the Himalayan peaks.

List 6

1. Adinath 2. Udaynath Parvati 3. Satyanath Brahamaji 4. Santoshnath Vishnuji 5. Achabhenath Shesh 6.Kanthadnath Ganeshji 7. Chaurangi Chandrma 8. Matsyendranath 9. Gorakhanath.

List 7

Omkarnath, Udaynath, Santoshnath, Achalnath, Gajbalinath, Gyannath, Chauranginath, Matsyendranath, Gorakhnath.

List 8

Macchendranatha, Gorakhnath, Jalandhernath, Kanifnath, Charpatinath, Naagnath, Bhartrharinath, Gahininath, and Ravennath.

List 9

Shri Gorakhnath, Javaalendranath, Kaarinanath, Gahini nath, Charpath nath, Revan nath, Naag nath, Bharthari Nath, Gopichand Nath.

Narratives of Navnath

Navnath Pothi / Navnath Bhaktisar

The “Navnath Bhaktisar” also known as the “Navnath pothi” narrates the Navnaths’ births, their lives, and deeds. As the Navnath are strongly worshiped in Maharashtra, the book is written in Marathi. It is written by Malu Narhari. In this text, the author mentions at the end of each chapter that this text is taken from the original text which is also in Marathi ‘Kimayagaar’ written by Gorakshanath, one of the Navnath.  It contains 40 chapters and 7600 ovyas (stanzas), which if read in a particular manner are believed to wipe out all your sorrows, black magic, and ghostly things from your house.


The coming of the Navnath is mentioned in the Mahabharata. Krishna called a meeting of all demigods, angels, and saints to give his message of how he would continue his message of spreading good after his mission is over on earth. Krishna said he would send his own light in the form of nine saints or prophets, who will go to different parts of the earth and throughout the universe where life exists. Lord Krishna also mentions that these prophets or saints will spread the message of Love, overcoming obstacles in order to unite with Mahavishnu or Shiva, or Shakti. Krishna said that they would help only those who have good souls and believers.

Aim of Navnath

The main aim of Navnath’s life was to create Shabar Mantras for the welfare of the masses. These nine saints are believed to be immortal. After becoming inactive, their 84 disciples preached the Nath Sampradaya and to date, it is considered to be a very powerful and popular Sampradaya all around the world. Navnaths are most popular and worshipped in Maharashtra state, India.

Macchindranath and Gorakshanath are revered in Buddhism also and are supposed to be Mahasiddhas. They used to say “Alakh Niranjan” frequently.


The mantra is composed in the language of abstract images (sandha-bhasha), in which the nathas and siddha-yogis communicated.

It is believed that Shiva’s will is manifested through shabar-mantras, therefore they do not require purashcharana and act almost immediately. Shabar-mantras can be composed in any language, or in a mixture of languages, the core of those mantras is the state and meaning of images, rather than the pronunciation and properties of the language.

According to the legend, shabar-mantras were invented by Mahasiddha Matsyendranath during a long Tapasya. Then he introduced them to the court of Shiva and Parvati, who in turn told about them to all the other Deities and Asuras, bhutas, pretas, and other spirits. Shiva blessed shabar-mantras and the very principle of their creation, put his Power in them, and following him the other Deities gave their Shakti to these mantras.

Nath Sampradaya

Nine saints (Navnath) are actually nine super-super human beings who with their honesty, selflessness, austerity, devotion for their teacher, Lord Dattatreya, and the mantra power defeated the deities like Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Hanuman, Virbhadra, Indra (King of heaven), Goddess Chamunda, Vetal (King of ghosts), Ashtabhairava, and others according to the book “Navnath Bhaktisar.” They had a weapon called “Vatakarshan Astra” which was invincible even for Gods.

After Navnath – the 9 nathas, their 84 disciples propagated Nath Sampradaya all over the world. Some of the names of those disciples are given below:

Raghavsidhda, Balsidhda, Gokatsidhda, Jabusidhda, Naimityik, Sarendrak, Huksha, Dwarbhairav, Ransidhda, Jogi, Sharangi, Nijananda, Nainniranjan, Yadu, Gaiwandkshudra, Kastsidhda, Uresh, Suresh, Dhuresh, Kuhar, Keshmardan, Sudhdakapur, Bhatendra, Katabhrava, Sabar, Dakshendra, Anirva, Aproksha, Kamukarnav, Sahansidhda, Dakshalayan, Devsidhda, Pakshendra, Saksh, Nirnayanava, Hardantan, Bohman, Hukshe, Krishnapalayan, Hema, Kshetranta, Ratnagar, Vinaybhaskar, Dattadhan, Pavanbhargava, Suksharnava, Yathartha, Kavitsharva, Vadham, Prokshit, Sharuk, Waluk, Sharabh, Sahan, Prokshitshairbha, Kokil, Kasmitwach, Sanhati, Lobh, Bhratrak, Chirankalvrunda, Narayan, Kalika, Sabraji, Sulaksha, Luksha, Moksharnava, Samartha, Dwar, and Bhardraksha.

Alakh Niranjan 


Alakh means A-Lakhshana which means beyond identifying features (lakhshana) or attributes. It refers to Attributeless God or Nirguna Brahman here. This idea comes from ancient Yoga traditions originating in Swetashwetara Upanishad. This particular Upanishad deals with Yoga, and Vedantic Monotheism. It describes the Supreme Being as Sat-Chit-Ananda. – Legend has it, that the slogan or elating cry for the Supreme Being was first coined by Matsyendranath. He first used the words “Alakh Niranjan murmu” to denote God as perceived by a Yoga adept in known history. His disciple is known as Maha Yogi Gorakshanath, also known as Gorakhnath, without whose mention, Nath Yoga becomes unimaginable. It is Gorakhnath and Matsyendranath who popularised Kaya Sadhana throughout the known limits of India and beyond.

Hatha Yoga

Gorakshanath actually organized and assimilated most Yogis of the Hatha Yoga and Tantra Cult into the enormous Nath tradition. The city of Gorakhpur in North India is named after the legendary Yogi. ‘Alakh Niranjan’ became a very popular name for God all over India during and after Gorakshanath’s time. Later first Sikh Guru, Nanak used this holy name to denote God.

Adesh – Adesh

Whenever Yogis or Nath-Yogis meet, they greet each other with the salutation “Adesh-Adesh!” Gorakshanath the Maha Yogi wrote:

Aatmetu paramaatmeti jiivatmeti vicaarane
Trayaanaam aikya-samshutir asdes’ iti kiirtitah
Meaning: In our relative thought we distinguish between Atman, Paramatman, and Jiva.
 The truth is that these three are one and a realization of it is called Adesha.

Thus the yogi in his contact with others expressed only the simple truth in words, “Adesh-Adesh!” is a foundation stone on which all spiritual light and attainment must be erected. It is the first truth to attain the First Lord.

Sacred places of Navnath

1. Matsyendranath or Macchchendranath: Sawargaon, Taluka: Aashti, District: Beed (Maharashtra)
2. Gorakhnath or Gorakshnath: Girnar, Junagarh (Gujrat)
3. Jalandernath or Jan Peer: Yeolewadi, Taluka: Patoda, District: Beed (Maharashtra)
4. Kanifnath: Madhi, Taluka: Pathardi, District: Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)
5. Gahininath: Chinchore, Taluka: Nevasa, District: Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)
6. Nagesh Nath: Wadwal, Taluka: Mohol, District: Solapur (Maharashtra)
7. Charpatinath: Still believed to be visiting pilgrimages.
8. Bhartarinath. Harangul, Taluka: Gangakhed, District: Parbhani (Maharashtra)
9. Revananath: Vite, District: Sangali (Maharashtra)

कानिफनाथांची समाधी असलेल्या 'या' गावात पाच दिवस प्रवेश बंदी - Ahmednagar Live24
Kanifnath Samadhi Temple, Madhi

Other Important pilgrimages

Girnar mountain (Gujrat), Tryambakeshwar (Nashik), Anjneri Mountain (Nashik), Saptashrunga Garh (Nashik), Vajreshwari (Thane), Vrudhdeshwar (Ahmednagar), Garbhagiri (Ahmednagar), Battis Shirala (Sangli), Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh), Alandi (Pune).


Because of the above, I am confident that you have learned about Navnath, the incarnation of Navnath, Guru parampara, narratives, opinions of various scholars, the aim of the incarnation of Navnath, sacred places, and important pilgrimages. It’s primary information about Navnath.  

If you liked this article, don’t forget to communicate your precious thoughts through the “comment box” of the article. I would be proud to regard and reply accordingly. Thank you! In the next article, we will talk about Navnath and their glory step by step.

Frequently asked questions

Before posting your query, kindly go through them:

What is Navnath?

The Navnath (नवनाथ), also spelled as Navnatha in vernacular languages, are the nine saints, Masters or Naths on whom the Navnath Sampradaya, the lineage of the nine gurus, is based. They are worshipped collectively as well as individually. The nine Naths are the incarnations of nine Narayanas who help Lord Narayan take care of worldly activities.

Who were the Navnathas?

Lord Krishna had summoned the nine Narayanas to his court for deciding the establishment of Nath Sampraday. The incarnation includes Macchindranath (Kavi Narayana), Gorakshanath (Hari Narayana), Gahininath (Karbhanjan Narayana), Jalandharnath (Antriksh Narayana), Kanifnath (Prabuddha Narayana), Bhartarinath (Dhrimi Narayan), Revannath (Chamas Narayana), Nagnath (Avihotra Narayana), and Charpatinath (Pippalayan Narayana).


What was the aim of the incarnation of Navnath?

The main aim of Navnath’s life was to create Shabar Mantras, reduce the problems of common people on the earth, and ensure the welfare of the masses. 


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  1. respected sir first birthday wishes to you swamiji s and nathji a blessing always with you because you are special to swamiji next is artical about Navnath is very interesting information during nathjis anushtan period please give brief information about nathas in marti book with 40 chapters also about Gorakshnath very interesting sir

    1. So kind of you, sister. It’s my pleasure that you liked my site and the first article. I have recently launched this site so that people should not be left aloof from knowing about Navnath and their glorious work for the people. I shall be regularly publishing articles giving precious information about Navnath and also cover Navnath Bhaktisar Pothi gradually. First, I shall try my best to publish in-depth information about Navnath so that people understand them well. Thereafter, I shall publish Navnath Bhaktisar Pothi so that numerous benefits can be availed by our valuable readers. Thanks for your valuable words and be assured that every article published will give you all precious information. Kindly stay tuned!!!

    1. Adesh-Adesh, Mr. Vishal. The most awaited site is finally launched. We shall cover all the aspects of Navnath for the knowledge of our valuable readers. And not only that we will publish all the 40 Adhyay (chapters) of Navnath Bhaktisar one by one. In case, you have any precious information, you care to share it with me so that other people also get benefited. Thanks and have nice days ahead. Please stay tuned!!

  2. So far we had been knowing about Siddha Gorakshanath through Siddha Spirituality. However, there was no authentic source to kknow about Navnath. I welcome your herculean efforts to launch this site. We are that you will make us aware about great Navnath and their glory. This first introductory article e xx plains basics of Navnath beautifully. Thanks for your dedication.

    1. Certainly, Madam. So far, we had been knowing about only one part of the Nath Sampraday. Now we have a most authenticated site – Navnath Glory for knowing in-depth about Navnath, Shabar Mantras, Hatha Yoga, Navnath Bhaktisar Pothi… and so on. We are committed to publishing everything about Navnath and their contribution made to humanity. The only appeal is that all my valuable readers avail of the benefits by being regularly available on my site. For those, who wish to know everything about Navnath and also wish to solve their problems of any nature, we shall be publishing the articles from time to time. Please share this precious knowledge with other aspirants. Thanks and stay tuned!!!

  3. नाथ पंथाचे अमूल्य मार्गदर्शन नवीन पिढीस व्हावेत हीच नवनाथ चरणी प्राथना अलख निरंजन 😇

    1. Nath Panthache Amulya Margdarshan Naveen Pidhis Vhyave Heech Nath Charni Prarthna

      1. Hi, Prashant! Welcome to my site. I’m not only targetting a new generation but also trying to reach all over the world. It would be only possible if devotees of Navnath like you communicate your precious thoughts through this medium. In case, you have any valuable information regarding Navnath, you can share it with me through e-mail or WhatsApp. Thanks a lot and stay tuned!!!

    2. आदेश-आदेश!! धन्यवाद, प्रशांत! माझा एकमेव उद्धेश हाच आहे की नवनाथ घरो घरी प्रत्येक व्यक्ति पर्यंत पोहोचावेत. त्याहुनही व्यापक स्तरावर सम्पूर्ण जगात नव्नाथान्ची कीर्ति पोहोचावी आणि प्रत्येक व्यक्तिस स्व:ताच्या समस्या सोडवन्याची क्षमता प्राप्त व्हावी. ह्या उद्धेश पूर्ती साठी आपले निरंतर सहाय्य अति गरजेचे राहील, ते मिलावे, अशी आशा करतो. निरंतर जुडून राहावे. आपणास आरोग्य, शांती प्राप्त होवो आनी आपला उत्कर्ष होवो!!!

  4. फार चांगली अभ्यासपूर्ण माहिती दिली, अशाच प्रकारे पुढेही पुढील माहिती मिळत राहावी ही अपेक्षा, आणि आपल्या या विशेष कार्याला शुभेच्छा.

    1. धन्यवाद, साहेब! आपले प्रेरणादायक शब्दांनी प्रसन्नता प्राप्त झाली. भविश्यात सुद्धा मी आपणास निराश करणार नाही, ह्याची शाश्वती देतो. कृपया, आपण संपर्कात राहावे आणि आपले बहुमूल्य विचार कलवित राहावेत. आपणास आरोग्य व् शांती लाभों आणि आपला उत्कर्ष होवो! पुन्हा एकदा धन्यवाद!!!

  5. Very useful blog…want to read more on this topic…😊 श्री गुरुदेव दत्त 🙏🏻

    1. Jai Shri Guru Dattatraya| Thanks, Vaishnavi for your interest shown. This site explains everything about Navnathas. You may please go through various articles one by one.

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